
Keep it in the ground

The latest year, and especially this fall, the financial sector has in many ways indicated that fossil investments are more disputed than ever. It is to early to predict if this is the start of a movement – evident though is that several large financial players have made quite bold statements and actions. 


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Changes in code 2015

As the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance was updated we are delighted to see that sustainability is becoming a more and more integrated part of how companies are doing business.

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Good things happen

Read here how Co2 can be turned into carbon nano-fibres and how unused buildings are being converted into office space. The new economy is here. 



Taxes - a source of friction

The first major development summit of 2015 was the International Conference on Financing for Development (FFD3)(July). The conference aimed to give answer to the question of how the new global development goals are to be funded. Unfortunately only a compromised agreement was reached



New interns at UpHigh!

Karin Letmark and Senita Galijatovic joins us at UpHigh for the fall of 2015 as interns. They bring experience, enthusiasm and integrity – we are stoked they chose us. Get to know them here.  



The SDG's are adopted

The new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - seventeenth goals and numerous sub-goals covering everything from eradicating poverty to halting biodiversity loss – have just been approved during the UN summit in New York 25-27 September. The meetings marked the second of the three most important development events of 2015



Sustainable Lego

Lego is now investing 1 billion Danish Krona in what is called " “LEGO Sustainable Materials Centre” that will employ approximately 100 people trying to figure out sustainable alternatives to current materials.
